Outils pour utilisateurs

Outils du site


Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !

``` Blockly.defineBlocksWithJsonArray([ { “type”: “block_print”,

"message0": "print ( %1 )",
"args0": [
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP"
"inputsInline": true,
"previousStatement": null,
"nextStatement": null,
"colour": 200,
"tooltip": "Instruction pour afficher un message à l'écran",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_free”,

"message0": "%1",
"args0": [
    "type": "field_input",
    "name": "STR",
    "text": "expression Python libre"
"inputsInline": true,
"output": null,
"colour": 185,
"tooltip": "Appelle une fonction pour l'exécuter",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_return”,

"message0": "return ( %1 )",
"args0": [
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP"
"inputsInline": true,
"previousStatement": null,
"nextStatement": null,
"colour": 150,
"tooltip": "Instruction pour renvoyer le résultat d'une fonction",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_function_call”,

"message0": "%1( )",
"args0": [
    "type": "field_input",
    "name": "STR",
    "text": "ma_fonction"
"inputsInline": true,
"output": null,
"colour": 150,
"tooltip": "Appelle une fonction pour l'exécuter",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_function_call_one”,

"message0": "%1( %2 )",
"args0": [
    "type": "field_input",
    "name": "STR",
    "text": "ma_fonction"
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP"
"inputsInline": true,
"output": null,
"colour": 150,
"tooltip": "Appelle une fonction pour l'exécuter",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_function_call_two”,

"message0": "%1( %2, %3 )",
"args0": [
    "type": "field_input",
    "name": "STR",
    "text": "ma_fonction"
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP"
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXPTWO"
"inputsInline": true,
"output": null,
"colour": 150,
"tooltip": "Appelle une fonction pour l'exécuter",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_function_call_three”,

"message0": "%1( %2, %3, %4 )",
"args0": [
    "type": "field_input",
    "name": "STR",
    "text": "ma_fonction"
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP"
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXPTWO"
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXPTHREE"
"inputsInline": true,
"output": null,
"colour": 150,
"tooltip": "Appelle une fonction pour l'exécuter",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_function_call_four”,

"message0": "%1( %2, %3, %4, %5 )",
"args0": [
    "type": "field_input",
    "name": "STR",
    "text": "ma_fonction"
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP"
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXPTWO"
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXPTHREE"
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXPFOUR"
"inputsInline": true,
"output": null,
"colour": 150,
"tooltip": "Appelle une fonction pour l'exécuter",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_set_bool”,

"message0": "%1 = %2",
"args0": [
    "type": "field_variable",
    "name": "VAR",
    "variable": "ok",
    "variableTypes": ["Boolean"],
    "defaultType": "Boolean"
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "VALUE",
    "check": "Boolean"
"previousStatement": null,
"nextStatement": null,
"colour": 340,
"tooltip": "Affectation de la variable à la valeur d'une expression logique",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_set_int”,

"message0": "%1 = %2",
"args0": [
    "type": "field_variable",
    "name": "VAR",
    "variable": "nombre",
    "variableTypes": ["Number"],
    "defaultType": "Number"
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "VALUE",
    "check": "Number"
"previousStatement": null,
"nextStatement": null,
"colour": 20,
"tooltip": "Affectation de la variable à la valeur d'une expression arithmétique",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_set_str”,

"message0": "%1 = %2",
"args0": [
    "type": "field_variable",
    "name": "VAR",
    "variable": "message",
    "variableTypes": ["String"],
    "defaultType": "String"
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "VALUE",
    "check": "String"
"previousStatement": null,
"nextStatement": null,
"colour": 300,
"tooltip": "Affectation de la variable à la valeur d'une chaîne de caractères",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_while”,

"message0": "while %1 %2  : %3 %4",
"args0": [
    "type": "input_dummy"
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "COND",
    "check": "Boolean",
    "align": "CENTRE"
    "type": "input_dummy"
    "type": "input_statement",
    "name": "INST"
"previousStatement": null,
"nextStatement": null,
"colour": 240,
"tooltip": "Instruction composée, répétant les instructions imbriquées tant que la condition est vraie",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_function”,

"message0": "def %1 ( ) : %2 %3",
"args0": [
    "type": "field_input",
    "name": "STR",
    "text": "ma_fonction"
    "type": "input_dummy"
    "type": "input_statement",
    "name": "INST"
"inputsInline": true,
"previousStatement": null,
"nextStatement": null,
"colour": 150,
"tooltip": "Définit une fonction.",
"helpUrl": "",
"extensions": [

}, { “type”: “block_function_one”,

"message0": "def %1 ( %2 %3 ) : %4 %5",
"args0": [
    "type": "field_input",
    "name": "STR",
    "text": "ma_fonction"
    "type": "input_dummy"
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "VAR"
    "type": "input_dummy"
    "type": "input_statement",
    "name": "INST"
"inputsInline": true,
"previousStatement": null,
"nextStatement": null,
"colour": 150,
"tooltip": "Définit une fonction.",
"helpUrl": "",
"extensions": [

}, { “type”: “block_function_two”,

"message0": "def %1 ( %2 %3, %4 %5) : %6 %7",
"args0": [
    "type": "field_input",
    "name": "STR",
    "text": "ma_fonction"
    "type": "input_dummy"
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "VAR"
    "type": "input_dummy"
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "VARTWO"
    "type": "input_dummy"
    "type": "input_statement",
    "name": "INST"
"inputsInline": true,
"previousStatement": null,
"nextStatement": null,
"colour": 150,
"tooltip": "Définit une fonction.",
"helpUrl": "",
"extensions": [

}, { “type”: “block_function_three”,

"message0": "def %1 ( %2 %3, %4 %5, %6 %7) : %8 %9",
"args0": [
    "type": "field_input",
    "name": "STR",
    "text": "ma_fonction"
    "type": "input_dummy"
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "VAR"
    "type": "input_dummy"
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "VARTWO"
    "type": "input_dummy"
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "VARTHREE"
    "type": "input_dummy"
    "type": "input_statement",
    "name": "INST"
"inputsInline": true,
"previousStatement": null,
"nextStatement": null,
"colour": 150,
"tooltip": "Définit une fonction.",
"helpUrl": "",
"extensions": [

}, { “type”: “block_function_four”,

"message0": "def %1 ( %2 %3, %4 %5, %6 %7, %8 %9) : %10 %11",
"args0": [
    "type": "field_input",
    "name": "STR",
    "text": "ma_fonction"
    "type": "input_dummy"
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "VAR"
    "type": "input_dummy"
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "VARTWO"
    "type": "input_dummy"
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "VARTHREE"
    "type": "input_dummy"
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "VARFOUR"
    "type": "input_dummy"
    "type": "input_statement",
    "name": "INST"
"inputsInline": true,
"previousStatement": null,
"nextStatement": null,
"colour": 150,
"tooltip": "Définit une fonction.",
"helpUrl": "",
"extensions": [

}, { “type”: “block_for”,

"message0": "for %1 in range ( %2 %3 ) : %4 %5",
"args0": [
    "type": "field_variable",
    "name": "VAR",
    "variable": null,
    "variableTypes": ["Indice"],
    "defaultType": "Indice"
    "type": "input_dummy"
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "FIN",
    "check": "Number"
    "type": "input_dummy"
    "type": "input_statement",
    "name": "INST"
"inputsInline": true,
"previousStatement": null,
"nextStatement": null,
"colour": 240,
"tooltip": "Instruction composée, répétant les instructions imbriquées pour toutes les valeurs de la variable entre 0 et le nombre donné (exclus).",
"helpUrl": "",
"extensions": [

}, { “type”: “block_if”,

"message0": "if %1 : %2 %3",
"args0": [
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "COND",
    "check": "Boolean"
    "type": "input_dummy"
    "type": "input_statement",
    "name": "INST"
"inputsInline": true,
"previousStatement": null,
"nextStatement": null,
"colour": 240,
"tooltip": "Instruction conditionnelle, exécutant les instructions imbriquées si la condition est vraie",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_ifelse”,

"message0": "if %1 : %2 %3 else : %4",
"args0": [
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "COND",
    "check": "Boolean"
    "type": "input_dummy"
    "type": "input_statement",
    "name": "INST1"
    "type": "input_statement",
    "name": "INST2"
"inputsInline": true,
"previousStatement": null,
"nextStatement": null,
"colour": 240,
"tooltip": "Instruction alternative, exécutant les instructions après : si la condition est vraie, ou sinon les instructions après else : ",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_get_bool”,

"message0": "%1",
"args0": [
    "type": "field_variable",
    "name": "VAR",
    "variable": "ok",
    "variableTypes": ["Boolean"],
    "defaultType": "Boolean"
"output": "Boolean",
"colour": 340,
"tooltip": "Variable booléenne, peut prendre la valeur vrai ou faux",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_true”,

"message0": "True",
"output": "Boolean",
"colour": 340,
"tooltip": "Constante booléenne, vrai",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_false”,

"message0": "False",
"output": "Boolean",
"colour": 340,
"tooltip": "Constante booléenne, faux",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_and”,

"message0": "%1 and %2",
"args0": [
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "ARG1",
    "check": "Boolean"
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "ARG2",
    "check": "Boolean"
"inputsInline": true,
"output": "Boolean",
"colour": 340,
"tooltip": "Expression booléenne vraie si et seulement si ses deux arguments valent vrai",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_or”,

"message0": "%1 or %2",
"args0": [
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "ARG1",
    "check": "Boolean"
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "ARG2",
    "check": "Boolean"
"inputsInline": true,
"output": "Boolean",
"colour": 340,
"tooltip": "Expression booléenne vraie si et seulement si au moins l'un de ses deux arguments vaut vrai",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_not”,

"message0": "not %1",
"args0": [
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "ARG",
    "check": "Boolean"
"inputsInline": true,
"output": "Boolean",
"colour": 340,
"tooltip": "Expression booléenne vraie si et seulement si son argument vaut faux",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_comp”,

"message0": "%1 %2 %3",
"args0": [
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "ARG1",
    "check": [
    "type": "field_dropdown",
    "name": "COMP",
    "options": [
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "ARG2",
    "check": [
"inputsInline": true,
"output": "Boolean",
"colour": 340,
"tooltip": "Expression booléenne vraie si la comparaison est vérifiée",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_get_int”,

"message0": "%1",
"args0": [
    "type": "field_variable",
    "name": "VAR",
    "variable": "nombre",
    "variableTypes": ["Number"],
    "defaultType": "Number"
"output": "Number",
"colour": 20,
"tooltip": "Variable numérique",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_get_indice”,

"message0": "%1",
"args0": [
    "type": "field_variable",
    "name": "VAR",
    "variable": "i",
    "variableTypes": ["Indice"],
    "defaultType": "Indice"
"output": "Number",
"colour": 20,
"tooltip": "Variable indice",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_constint”,

"message0": "%1",
"args0": [
    "type": "field_number",
    "name": "CONST",
    "value": 0
"output": "Number",
"colour": 20,
"tooltip": "Constante numérique",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_plus”,

"message0": "%1 + %2",
"args0": [
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP1",
    "check": "Number"
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP2",
    "check": "Number"
"inputsInline": true,
"output": "Number",
"colour": 20,
"tooltip": "Addition",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_minus”,

"message0": "%1 - %2",
"args0": [
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP1",
    "check": "Number"
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP2",
    "check": "Number"
"inputsInline": true,
"output": "Number",
"colour": 20,
"tooltip": "Soustraction",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_mult”,

"message0": "%1 * %2",
"args0": [
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP1",
    "check": "Number"
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP2",
    "check": "Number"
"inputsInline": true,
"output": "Number",
"colour": 20,
"tooltip": "Multiplication",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_div”,

"message0": "%1 / %2",
"args0": [
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP1",
    "check": "Number"
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP2",
    "check": "Number"
"inputsInline": true,
"output": "Number",
"colour": 20,
"tooltip": "Division",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_div_eucl”,

"message0": "%1 // %2",
"args0": [
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP1",
    "check": "Number"
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP2",
    "check": "Number"
"inputsInline": true,
"output": "Number",
"colour": 20,
"tooltip": "Division entière",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_mod”,

"message0": "%1 \% %2",
"args0": [
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP1",
    "check": "Number"
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP2",
    "check": "Number"
"inputsInline": true,
"output": "Number",
"colour": 20,
"tooltip": "Reste de la division entière",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_pow”,

"message0": "%1 ** %2",
"args0": [
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP1",
    "check": "Number"
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP2",
    "check": "Number"
"inputsInline": true,
"output": "Number",
"colour": 20,
"tooltip": "Puissance",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_neg”,

"message0": "- %1",
"args0": [
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP",
    "check": "Number"
"inputsInline": true,
"output": "Number",
"colour": 20,
"tooltip": "Opposé d'un nombre",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_int”,

"message0": "int ( %1 )",
"args0": [
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP",
    "check": "String"
"inputsInline": true,
"output": "Number",
"colour": 20,
"tooltip": "Conversion en entier d'une chaîne de caractères",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_len”,

"message0": "len ( %1 )",
"args0": [
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP",
    "check": "String"
"inputsInline": true,
"output": "Number",
"colour": 20,
"tooltip": "Longueur d'une chaîne de caractères",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_ord”,

"message0": "ord ( %1 )",
"args0": [
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP",
    "check": "String"
"inputsInline": true,
"output": "Number",
"colour": 20,
"tooltip": "Code entier d'un caractère",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_get_str”,

"message0": "%1",
"args0": [
    "type": "field_variable",
    "name": "VAR",
    "variable": "message",
    "variableTypes": ["String"],
    "defaultType": "String"
"output": "String",
"colour": 300,
"tooltip": "Variable chaîne de caractères",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_constchaine”,

"message0": "\"%1\"",
"args0": [
    "type": "field_input",
    "name": "STR",
    "text": "bonjour"
"output": "String",
"colour": 300,
"tooltip": "Constante chaîne de caractères",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_input”,

"message0": "input ( %1 )",
"args0": [
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "ARG",
    "check": "String"
"inputsInline": true,
"output": "String",
"colour": 300,
"tooltip": "Fonction permettant d'afficher un message et de saisir une chaîne de caractères",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_concat”,

"message0": "%1 + %2",
"args0": [
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "STR1",
    "check": "String"
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "STR2",
    "check": "String"
"inputsInline": true,
"output": "String",
"colour": 300,
"tooltip": "Opération de concaténation de chaînes de caractères",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_str”,

"message0": "str ( %1 )",
"args0": [
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP",
    "check": "Number"
"inputsInline": true,
"output": "String",
"colour": 300,
"tooltip": "Conversion d'un entier en chaîne de caractères",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_chr”,

"message0": "chr ( %1 )",
"args0": [
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP",
    "check": "Number"
"inputsInline": true,
"output": "String",
"colour": 300,
"tooltip": "Décodage d'un caractère à partir de son code entier",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_nth”,

"message0": "%1 [ %2 ]",
"args0": [
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP",
    "check": "String"
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "INDEX",
    "check": "Number"
"inputsInline": true,
"output": "String",
"colour": 300,
"tooltip": "Accès au ieme caractère d'une chaîne de caractères",
"helpUrl": ""


// ------------- librairie random -----------------

{ “type”: “block_import_random”,

"message0": "from random import *",
"previousStatement": null,
"nextStatement": null,
"colour": 50,
"tooltip": "Importe la bibliothèque random",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_random”,

"message0": "random()",
"output": "Number",
"colour": 50,
"tooltip": "Renvoie un nombre aléatoire dans l'intervalle [0,1[",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_randint”,

"message0": "randint (%1, %2)",
"args0": [
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP1",
    "check": "Number"
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP2",
    "check": "Number"
"inputsInline": true,
"output": "Number",
"colour": 50,
"tooltip": "randint(a,b) renvoie un entier aléatoire entre deux entiers a et b  avec a ≤ N ≤ b",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_randrange”,

"message0": "randrange(%1, %2)",
"args0": [
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP1",
    "check": "Number"
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP2",
    "check": "Number"
"inputsInline": true,
"output": "Number",
"colour": 50,
"tooltip": "randrange(a,b) renvoie un entier aléatoire entre deux entiers a et b  avec a ≤ N ≤ b-1",
"helpUrl": ""


// ------------- librairie math -----------------

{ “type”: “block_import_math”,

"message0": "from math import *",
"previousStatement": null,
"nextStatement": null,
"colour": 35,
"tooltip": "Importe la bibliothèque math",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_abs”,

"message0": "abs(%1)",
"args0": [
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP1",
    "check": "Number"
"inputsInline": true,
"output": "Number",
"colour": 35,
"tooltip": "Valeur absolue d'un nombre",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_floor”,

"message0": "floor(%1)",
"args0": [
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP1",
    "check": "Number"
"inputsInline": true,
"output": "Number",
"colour": 35,
"tooltip": "floor(x) renvoie le plancher de x, le plus grand entier plus petit ou égal à x",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_ceil”,

"message0": "ceil(%1)",
"args0": [
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP1",
    "check": "Number"
"inputsInline": true,
"output": "Number",
"colour": 35,
"tooltip": "ceil(x) renvoie la fonction plafond de x, le plus petit entier plus grand ou égal à x",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_exp”,

"message0": "exp(%1)",
"args0": [
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP1",
    "check": "Number"
"inputsInline": true,
"output": "Number",
"colour": 35,
"tooltip": "Fonction exponentielle",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_log”,

"message0": "log(%1)",
"args0": [
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP1",
    "check": "Number"
"inputsInline": true,
"output": "Number",
"colour": 35,
"tooltip": "Fonction logarithme néperien",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_sqrt”,

"message0": "sqrt(%1)",
"args0": [
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP1",
    "check": "Number"
"inputsInline": true,
"output": "Number",
"colour": 35,
"tooltip": "Fonction racine carrée",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_cos”,

"message0": "cos(%1)",
"args0": [
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP1",
    "check": "Number"
"inputsInline": true,
"output": "Number",
"colour": 35,
"tooltip": "Fonction cosinus",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_sin”,

"message0": "sin(%1)",
"args0": [
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP1",
    "check": "Number"
"inputsInline": true,
"output": "Number",
"colour": 35,
"tooltip": "Fonction sinus",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_tan”,

"message0": "tan(%1)",
"args0": [
    "type": "input_value",
    "name": "EXP1",
    "check": "Number"
"inputsInline": true,
"output": "Number",
"colour": 35,
"tooltip": "Fonction tangente",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_pi”,

"message0": "pi",
"output": "Number",
"colour": 35,
"tooltip": "Constante pi",
"helpUrl": ""

}, { “type”: “block_e”,

"message0": "e",
"output": "Number",
"colour": 35,
"tooltip": "Constante e",
"helpUrl": ""



/ * Mixin to add a context menu item to create a 'variables_get' block. * Used by blocks 'controls_for' and 'controls_forEach'. * @mixin * @augments Blockly.Block * @package * @readonly */ Blockly.Constants.Loops.CUSTOM_CONTEXT_MENU_CREATE_VARIABLES_GET_MIXIN = { /

  • Add context menu option to create getter block for the loop's variable.
  • (customContextMenu support limited to web BlockSvg.)
  • @param {!Array} options List of menu options to add to.
  • @this {Blockly.Block}
  • /

customContextMenu: function(options) {

   if (this.isInFlyout) {
   var variable = this.getField('VAR').getVariable();
   var varName = variable.name;
   if (!this.isCollapsed() && varName != null) {
     var option = {enabled: true};
     option.text =
         Blockly.Msg['VARIABLES_SET_CREATE_GET'].replace('%1', varName);
     // var xmlField = Blockly.Variables.generateVariableFieldDom(variable);
     // xmlField.setAttribute('name', 'VAR');
     // xmlField.setAttribute('variable', varName);
     // xmlField.setAttribute('variabletype', '');
     // var xmlBlock = Blockly.utils.xml.createElement('block');
     // xmlBlock.setAttribute('type', 'block_get_int');
     // xmlBlock.appendChild(xmlField);
     var xmlBlock = Blockly.Xml.textToDom('<block type="block_get_indice"> <field name="VAR" variabletype="Indice">' + varName + '</field> </block>');
     option.callback = Blockly.ContextMenu.callbackFactory(this, xmlBlock);







lib_blocks_block2py.js.1649406584.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2022/04/08 10:29 de admin